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Behind the Scenes

Florida Licensed Designer 0001971
Allied Member, ASID

Born on an island in the Caribbean, raised in South Florida along the Atlantic Coast of Palm Beach County and fortunate enough to experience the coastal lifestyle through world travel are just a few of the elements that were instrumental in influencing my deisre to create colorful, vibrant, unique, fun and welcoming interiors that fit the parameters of my clients needs.

The Company
"Trends and Traditions"  born out of friendships and a love of interior design.

Coastal Pleasures and Island Treasures and the Trends and Traditions philosophy is to:
  1. Enhance the well being of those we encounter.
  2. Support charitable organizations by donating a portion of our profits.
  3. Promote American manufacturing by endeavoring to, whenever possible, purchase products made in America.
  4. Support small business with a focus on women owned companies.
Somewhere it was written that "every successful person knows that you become successful because of how much value you give to others". Within or outside my community I am committed to making a difference.

The Blog:
Providing a venue for all like minded individuals to present and discuss, in a positive manner, an endless list of topics related to our love of all things coastal.

I value the knowledge and expertise of our blogging audience and welcome your participation in enriching my life and the lives of everyone who visit the blog.

Thank you and Welcome!

The Boutique:
The Trends and Traditions Gifts and Home Accents boutique offers a wonderful environment in which to have a great shopping experience.

Peruse the site and enjoy the Quality Products.  

At the top of the company's priority list is Exceptional Customer Service that goes beyond just the purchase.  If you are looking for something not shown on the website please drop me a line and I will be happy to share any information I have available to direct you to a vendor that may have the product.

We are doing our part in bringing manufacturing jobs back to America by providing, whenever possible, products Made in America, which are costlier and more difficult to find.  WE, you and I, need to do our part when we can, to support American Made. 

My Invitation
Inspire others by sharing your thoughts, comments and experiences on the blog.
Peruse the boutique and remember that if you make a purchase we will pass our good fortune forward to a charitable organization.
Register with us and get the latest updates about our exciting specials and at the same time meet new friends.

Above all remember that YOU may enhance someones life simply by contributing a story, submitting pictures or posting a review or comment that will help someone make the right buying choice.

In his book entitled "Become a Better You", Joel Osteen said that writing a book was much like gathering raw materials and through an extensive refining process, shaping them into a finely tuned, high performance automobile - it takes a great team of skilled and dedicated people to see a concept, and turn it into reality.

I want to thank my team of builders for their creativity, skill and above all their patience in helping me turn my dream into a reality.

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